Today’s Horoscope: Astrological Forecast for April 16, 2022
At 9:06 a.m., the moon in Libra establishes a beneficial connection with Saturn in Aquarius, giving a reassuring mood. The Libra full moon occurs at 2:55 p.m., making it a potent period for emotional release. A shift is afoot, and Libra urges you to maintain equilibrium and consider other people’s viewpoints. At 5:57 p.m., the moon squares Pluto in Capricorn, potentially stirring up profound emotions, but there’s no need to worry about complicated feelings because the moon enters the powerful water sign of Scorpio at 8:23 p.m. At 10:55 p.m., the moon joins Mars in Pisces, inspiring boldness and innovation.
Today’s Aries Horoscope: April 16, 2022
Because of today’s full moon in Libra, there may be conflicts, but there may also be joyful compromises. In your relationships, a strong climax could occur. As the moon enters Scorpio, you’re thinking about money, particularly bills and obligations.

For you, the Libra full moon is likely to be both intense and transformative. On the cards, Aries, we see a reality check. Rather than being disappointed by what you’re seeing, express thanks. Disillusionment can feel like walking through shards of glass, yet it is the only way to break free from the terrible cycle you’ve been trapped in. At the same time, keep in mind that you and your narrative are important. Don’t be frightened to speak your mind. Believe that if others see you sticking up for yourself, they will respect you a lot more.
Tell it as it is, as a cosmic suggestion.
Today’s Taurus Horoscope: April 16, 2022
With today’s full moon in Libra, you might be able to finish a project or break a bad habit! It’s possible that your routine will change. The moon enters Scorpio, your opposing sign, brightening your relationship sector of the horoscope.

Taurus, you’ve reached a fork in the path. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for where to go from here. Simply pay attention to what your heart is telling you and follow its lead. You’ll be directed in the direction of your goal. Some of you may be in the midst of a relationship crisis as well. Request a sign from the Universe and be ready to accept it in whatever form it arrives. You’ll know in your heart whether or not you want to pursue this relationship.
Cosmic advice: Just follow your heart, okay?
Today’s Gemini Horoscope: April 16, 2022
The full moon in Libra today could mark a significant turning point in your romantic life! The creative juices are flowing. It’s a great moment to let go of your emotions. As the moon moves into Scorpio, you’ll be inspired to tackle your to-do list.

It’s plain to see, Gemini! You’ve cast a spell over them, and they can’t get enough of it. Take advantage of the attention you’re getting right now. Allow yourself to embark on fantastical journeys, create poetry, and listen to love tunes. What you don’t want to do is dwell too much on the future and where it’s all taking you. Beautiful, the now is where the magic is.
Allow yourself to get carried away by the winds of fancy.
Today’s Cancer Horoscope: April 16, 2022.
The full moon in Libra today may usher in a shift at home or in your family. This is a good time to get closure on the past, move, or energetically cleanse the atmosphere of your home! As the moon enters Scorpio, another water sign, romance and creativity flourish.

Do you, on the other hand, have a clear understanding of this relationship? Do you have a clear idea of what you want from the other person? It’s not the time to send contradictory messages or wait for them to take action. So, get into a state of clarity and start talking about what’s been bothering you. When it comes to your professional and artistic endeavours, you must make a decision. On paper, anything that appears wonderful isn’t always beneficial for you. Perfect the skill of saying “no” in a diplomatic manner.
Move into a realm of clarity as a cosmic tip.
Today’s Leo Horoscope: April 16, 2022
The full moon in Libra today illuminates the communication sector of your horoscope: It’s possible that an important discussion will reach a conclusion, or that you’ll receive critical information. As the moon enters Scorpio, your attention shifts to your home and family.

Who’s up for a weekend? Leo, you’ve got a lot on your mind, and Mission World Domination is undoubtedly a part of it. You’re actively considering how to extend your empire and reach out to a larger audience. Remember that hiring and training the proper personnel is a positive step. As a result, you’re entering a period of stability and security. This is a moment to savour the rewards of your previous labour. Despite the tumult of the last few months, you’ve made it here. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.
You’ve had Mission World Domination on your mind, cosmic tip.
Today’s Virgo Horoscope: April 16, 2022
During today’s full moon in Libra, themes like money and security may be accentuated for you. It’s possible that these themes will reach a peak. As the moon enters Scorpio, communication becomes more active.

The cards point to a shocking conclusion. You didn’t see this one coming, did you? Nonetheless, you’re dealing with the fallout from the upheaval. It’s very normal to be concerned about the future. We’re all guilty of it. Giving this much energy to things that aren’t in your control, on the other hand, isn’t going to make things simpler for you. Here’s a quick activity to get you started today: Take a sheet of paper and make two columns on it. The first should be titled ‘Things I Control,’ and the second should be titled ‘Things I Don’t Control.’ Change the title to ‘Things I surrender to the Universe’ and carefully place all of your concerns, worries, and dreams in the second. You are adored and cherished. The unknown forces are working around the clock to make sure you’re taken care of at all times.
Practice the skill of surrender as a cosmic advice.
Today’s Libra horoscope: April 16, 2022.
Today, Libra, there is a full moon in your sign: In your relationships, there could be a turning point! It’s an excellent time to let go. As the moon enters Scorpio, money may become a major theme.

The self is constantly changing and evolving, with each metamorphosis paving the way for the next. What a fantastic gift, Libra! You’re at a crossroads in your life once again, when you’re shedding old skin and letting go of previous incarnations of yourself. Take a moment to express gratitude for all of the life experiences that have led you to this point in time and shaped you into the person you are today. Given that the full moon is in your sign, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed on a regular basis. Allow yourself to experience the full range of your emotions. So be it if that means crying buckets in the moonlight.
You are about to enter a dramatic period of transformation, according to the stars.
Today’s Scorpio horoscope is for April 16, 2022.
The full moon in Libra today may elicit strong feelings! It’s a powerful chance to let go and sit with the feelings you’ve been avoiding. Make time to relax and unwind from your daily grind. Set time and energy limits for yourself. Your sign, Scorpio, sees the moon enter your sign, urging you to focus on self-love!

This weekend, you’ll be reminded of Maya Angelou’s wise words: “Believe them the first time they show you who they are.” Scorpio, the curtain has been lifted. Allow yourself to perceive things as they are rather than how you want them to be. So be it if this necessitates you chastising someone for their actions. Don’t be scared to speak your truth or hold space for yourself in the way you’ve been called.
Cosmic tip: The truth has always been right in front of you.
Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope: April 16, 2022
During today’s full moon in Libra, drama may arise in your social life, yet a dream may also come true. As the moon enters Scorpio, take some time for yourself and rest.

Sagittarius, everything has an expiration date. Being human entails countless deaths and rebirths over the course of one’s lifetime. Accept this conclusion for what it is. Allow yourself the freedom to write the final chapter in a way that seems genuine to you. Your guides want you to know that they’re forming a protective circle around you and keeping room for this significant change.
Recognize the cycles that have come to an end.
Today’s Capricorn Horoscope: April 16, 2022
During this full moon in Libra, you may be focused on achieving your goals! Your career may be undergoing a significant transformation. As the moon enters Scorpio, your focus shifts to friendship and networking.

Things haven’t turned out the way you had hoped, but they have. Obsessing about the “what ifs” will lead you down a rabbit hole. Accept your current situation and concentrate on the tasks at hand. The full moon provides the ideal occasion for you to sit with your wounds and listen to what they have to say. On a side note, don’t forget to listen to what your actual body is telling you. If you need to speak with a doctor to have a better understanding of what’s going on, do so right soon!
Think of this as an opportunity to work on your inner self.
Today’s Aquarius horoscope is for April 16, 2022.
Today’s full moon in Libra, a fellow air sign, can bring a long-brewing debate to a head. The moon enters Scorpio, which may cause you to pay more attention to your work.

This is the love for which you have wished and prayed. This is the love you’ve been summoning into your Universe for quite some time. As a result, open your heart and allow yourself to be overwhelmed by its beauty. Moving past your worries and judgement, that voice in your small, three-dimensional self that repeats the old story and tells you that you are unworthy of love, is sometimes necessary. Beautiful, wonderful things are heading your way. Become a container for what you’ve always had.
Love with all your heart, as a cosmic hint.
Today’s Pisces Horoscope: April 16, 2022
The Libra full moon today may have you settling a bill, winding up a financial issue, or simply letting go of the past! The moon enters Scorpio, a companion water sign, pushing you to break from your routine.

Pisces, you want this to be a fantasy romance. You want to follow the rules to the letter. But, in doing so, are you rejecting what you believe to be true to you? Something to ponder this morning as you sip your matcha latte. The Libra full moon encourages you to release yet another layer of conditioning. It’s not always easy to see through the illusions. We would never blossom into who we were supposed to be if we didn’t go through this rite of passage.
Cosmic advice: Accept the temporary suffering that comes with removing the fake.