Today’s Horoscope: Astrological Forecast for April 17, 2022
Libra, when was the last time you took a moment to smell the roses? When was the last time you spent the entire day in bed listening to your favourite songs? The cards are directing you to join the self-care bandwagon. Allowing oneself to slow down and appreciate all that the present moment has to offer. You can’t force relationships, Virgo. You can’t force magic to happen when it isn’t supposed to. Simultaneously, when something is destined to be, it feels like quantum physics. Reevaluate your relationships carefully and ask yourself which ones are worth your time and attention. Sagittarius, you’ve had one epiphany after another (or should we say truth bomb? ), and you’re fatigued. Instead of becoming frustrated by the sequence of events, become aware of what the Universe is presenting to you. This will assist you in dealing with the current set of obstacles and growing on a soul level.
Today’s Aries Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, the logical planet, is in the grounded earth sign of Capricorn. Taurus joins loving Venus in dreamy Pisces, assisting you in planning how to make your fantasies come true! An easygoing vibe prevails.

But, Aries, how are you presenting yourself today? How are you taking care of your own garden? Under the influence of this full moon, self-care is an important theme for you. So, engage in rituals that bring you delight and renew you on all levels: mind, body, and spirit. On the job front, you’re being advised to become aware of the opportunities that seem to appear out of nowhere. If you look closely at them, you will notice that they have a lot of promise.
This season is all about holy self-care practises, according to the stars.
Today’s Taurus Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, which is currently in your sign of Taurus, unites with Venus, which is currently in Pisces, encouraging a fun, welcoming atmosphere, particularly in your social life!

Taurus, you have definitely excelled yourself during the last two weeks. As a result, you’re drawing clients and opportunities that were once unthinkable. It, say yes to the new, but do so on your own terms. Remembering your worth will permanently alter the game for you. You’re being reminded in the arena of romance that certain risks are worth taking. Tell the truth about your location and what you’re looking for. The Universe is assisting you in taking your dedication to the next level.
Cosmic Tip: Ka-ching
Today’s Gemini Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Your ruling planet Mercury, which is currently in Taurus, is mingling with charming Venus, who is currently in Pisces, creating a welcoming, open-minded attitude. Make time to listen to your intuition and express yourself artistically.

Gemini, the full moon in Libra is delivering all the feels. With each breath you breathe, it makes you fall in love with life a bit more. Stay in touch with your inner romantic, lovely. Use this energy to make great declarations of self-love. You may also notice that your inventiveness is heightened at this time. So, make some art. Create a song. Experiment with spoken word. Right now, the Universe is providing you with a blank canvas.
Cosmic hint: Sometimes you just have to make big declarations of love to yourself.
Today’s Cancer Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Chatty Mercury in relaxed Taurus joins with loving Venus in fellow water sign Pisces, instilling a lighthearted, easygoing environment in your social life. It’s a great time to network and exchange ideas!

An chance like this does not come along very often. We’ll say it again: opportunities like this don’t come along very often. Invest in the specified project. Write that proposal you’ve been putting off for a while. Approach the client you’ve always wanted to with an irresistible offer. Tell the folks you want to work with all of the ways you want to weave magic together. When you believe in your own power and potential, no force in the world can stand in your way!
Cancer, take the bull by the horns.
Today’s Leo horoscope: April 17, 2022
Logical Mercury in resolute Taurus unites with creative Venus in dreamy Pisces, which might be beneficial to your job! People may be particularly interested in learning more about who you are and what you do, dear Leo.

You’ve been on the self-love bandwagon for quite some time. But, have you really learned to love yourself, warts and all? Of delivering the gift of love and awareness to the ostensibly gloomy places? Take note of how conditional you are with yourself, Leo. The manner in which you continue to dismiss some aspects of yourself. As you begin to honour both the broken and the beautiful within, your connection with yourself will change.
Cosmic tip: Bring the gift of consciousness to the ostensibly dark portions of yourself.
Today’s Virgo Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Your ruling planet Mercury is currently in Taurus, and Mercury joins with charming Venus in Pisces, which can produce an easygoing, open-minded attitude, particularly in your partnerships.

You can’t force relationships, Virgo. You can’t force magic to happen when it isn’t supposed to. Simultaneously, when something is destined to be, it feels like quantum physics. Reevaluate your relationships carefully and ask yourself which ones are worth your time and attention. Beautiful, the Universe is assisting you in moving into a space of clarity.
Cosmic hint: When something is meant to be, it feels like quantum physics.
Today’s Libra Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Taurus, and it is conjunct with Venus, your ruling planet, in Pisces, creating a relaxed environment. You have the ability to smooth up an embarrassing issue, Libra!

Libra, when was the last time you took a moment to smell the roses? When was the last time you spent the entire day in bed listening to your favourite songs? Adulting is difficult enough as it is. Don’t make things more difficult for yourself by forcing yourself to be in yang mode all of the time. The cards are directing you to join the self-care bandwagon. Beautiful, give yourself permission to slow down and appreciate all that the current moment has to offer.
It’s time to pause and smell the roses, according to the stars.
Today’s Scorpio Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Chatty Mercury is in your opposite sign Taurus, encouraging communication, and the mood is upbeat as Mercury unites with sweet Venus in your fellow water sign Pisces, making it a wonderful time to connect with partners! The energy is lighthearted and flirty.

There are two sorts of friends, Scorpio: those who will dance with you till the early hours of the morning and those who will pull your hair back when you’re vomiting and dissuade you from sending nasty messages to your ex. What kind of pals do you have? More importantly, what kind of companions do you have? Beautiful, the veil is being lifted. It’s time to accept your reality as it is. Wise words: the full moon is giving you the bravery you need to pull the weeds out of your garden.
Observe your friendships for what they are.
Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, the messenger planet, is in Taurus today, mingling with beautiful Venus in Pisces, encouraging optimism and an easygoing, welcoming environment, especially as you go about your daily tasks.

You’ve had one enlightenment after another (or should we say truth bomb?) and, to be honest, you’re fatigued. Instead of becoming frustrated by the sequence of events, become aware of what the Universe is presenting to you. Pause for a moment to breathe and digest the soul lessons. This will assist you in dealing with the current set of obstacles and growing on a soul level.
The turmoil is also fulfilling a higher purpose, according to the cosmos.
Today’s Capricorn Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, the messenger planet, is in fellow earth sign Taurus today, and it joins with gorgeous Venus in Pisces, creating a sweet, lighthearted vibe. It is possible to engage in delightful conversation!

Capricorn, look for the river beneath the river. Travel to the region of unlimited possibilities, where you can hear the Great Spirit’s whispers. What you’re being reminded of today is that you’re more connected to your intuition and spiritual gifts than ever before, and that you’re being encouraged to use your power for the greater good. Those on a creative path are being gifted with amazing visions. Trust what you’re seeing and figure out how to incorporate these symbols into your work. Now is the moment to work your magic!
Beautiful, take a trip to the invisible realms.
Today’s Aquarius Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Taurus, mingling with Venus, the planet of love, in Pisces, creating a supportive mood, especially when discussing money, comfort, or security.

The Libra full moon is igniting your creative juices and opens the door to positive juju. So, Aquarius, reconnect with your inner storyteller. Your inner artist, musician, alchemist, and mystic are all present. With the help you have at this point, you will find it easy to enter the subtle realms. The good news is that some of you may be inspired to share your work on a public platform as well.
Tip from the cosmos: Call in the troops!
Today’s Pisces Horoscope: April 17, 2022
Chatty Mercury is in Taurus, and it unites with sweet Venus, who is in your sign, Pisces, creating a joyful, hectic mood in your social life! It’s possible that good news may arrive, or that the energy will just be open-minded.

This is a good moment to re-align with your goals. To reflect on why you went on this trip in the first place, and to remember that you have been entrusted with this enormous vision for a reason. When you believe in your own power and potential, no force in the world can stop you! As a result, your relationship with yourself is changing. You’re discovering that you don’t have to please everyone, that you don’t have to bend yourself to make others happy, and that you certainly don’t have to play the roles that are required of you right now. Unsubscribe from what no longer seems genuine and attractive! You’re on your way to becoming more you than you’ve ever been!
When you believe in your own power and potential, no force in the world can stop you!