Today’s Horoscope: Astrological Forecast for May 15, 2022
As the moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 8:04 AM, we may be surprised, and as the sun squares serious Saturn in Aquarius at 2:49 PM, we may be weighing major judgments. The sun unites with Neptune in dreamy Pisces at 3:15 PM, and the moon joins with Mars in Pisces at 9:02 PM, putting us in a more calm, easygoing mood. At 11:38 PM, the moon squares Saturn, which may cause us to create essential boundaries, and at 11:40 PM, the moon aligns with Neptune, which may cause us to feel especially creative and sensitive. On May 16, at 12:14 a.m., a lunar eclipse in Scorpio will occur, signalling a significant turning point in our lives.
Today’s Aries Horoscope: May 15, 2022
As the sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, you may be making crucial financial decisions. As the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces, take some time to listen to your inner voice. With the impending lunar eclipse in Scorpio, you may be able to settle a debt or move on from the past!

This is not a victim narrative. This is a narrative about change. A narrative about converting your scars into knowledge and your pain into strength. If that means dying a thousand times to the old, so be it, Aries. So be it. You must realise that you are not being punished on this path. You anticipate getting everything you asked for and more. So, raise your game!
The full moon in Scorpio is holding room for you to transform your suffering into strength.
Today’s Taurus Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, putting you in a position to make significant judgments concerning your duties. As the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces, friendships shine brightly. Your relationships will be drastically altered by the forthcoming moon eclipse in Scorpio.

You used to tell victim stories all the time. You gave the pain more force than it deserved at one point. But this isn’t that time in your life. It’s a moment to embrace everything, good, bad, and ugly, as a source of growth and transformation. It only gets better from here, Taurus, because you only get better from here. Something tells us that in the weeks after the full moon, self-mastery will be a major theme for you.
Tip from the stars: It only gets better from here.
Today’s Gemini Horoscope: May 15, 2022
As the sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, communication delays or hurdles may develop; nevertheless, the sun also forms a beneficial connection with Neptune in Pisces, which may inspire amazing creativity or make you feel exceptionally famous! The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio may cause you to make significant lifestyle changes.

Because we’re officially under the spell of Mercury retrograde, you might see old flames emerge from the shadows. We’re well aware of the situation. Isn’t that a cliche? Knowing this, however, does not provide protection from their charms. Make decisions with your mind, not your heart, as the wise say. Some of you may notice that pals who have disappointed you in the past have reappeared. It’s vital to reaffirm boundaries whenever necessary to avoid falling back into old habits.
Make decisions with your mind, not your heart, according to the stars.
Today’s Cancer Horoscope: May 15, 2022.
As the sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, you may be making crucial financial decisions. As the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces, take some time to listen to your inner voice. During the approaching lunar eclipse in Scorpio, a crisis in your romantic life could come a head, or you could be launching a creative endeavour.

Cancer, you didn’t come here to live a normal life. You come here to achieve greatness and to reach your full potential. So, why should you settle for things that confine you to your limitations? With the full moon in Scorpio, you’ll be able to strip away the untrue and free yourself from the weight of other people’s opinions. This will enable you to say yes to the right opportunities and take a step forward in your career.
The unknown is where the magic resides, according to cosmic wisdom.
Today’s Leo Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun (your astrological ruler) squares Saturn in Aquarius and connects with Neptune in Pisces, which could lead to a heated debate between you and a partner (in love, business, or otherwise), but a creative solution can be discovered! The next lunar eclipse in Scorpio may motivate you to make major changes in your home.

Eclipses are infamous for bringing hidden things to light, and this is something you will most likely see firsthand, Leo. So take a breather and take a step back from the internal and external drama. This will help you distinguish between what is genuine and what is just a figment of your imagination. That being said, trust your instincts and initiate a conversation with that special someone who has given you reason to question their motives. The only way to enter a state of clarity is to do so.
Don’t be scared to strike up a discussion or ask for the answers you need.
Today’s Virgo Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus establishes a favourable connection with Neptune in Pisces, creating an easygoing mood in your interactions. The sun in Taurus squares up with Saturn in Aquarius, which may find you dealing with an irritating scheduling issue. You might have a fascinating chat during the forthcoming moon eclipse in Scorpio.

Here’s a cup of reality tea for you: no matter what decision you make, at least one person will be disappointed. In other words, Virgo, you cannot please everyone. However, you may be loyal to yourself, follow your heart, and allow the guide within to open new doors for you. This is the only way to have a wonderful life that provides you delight.
The full moon in Scorpio encourages you to stay in touch with your inner guiding.
Today’s Libra Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, another air sign: This is an excellent moment to clarify your responsibilities and expectations of others. The sun creates a beneficial connection with Neptune in Pisces, which could lead to problem-solving creativity. The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio may cause you to reconsider your budget and clarify your financial objectives.

What if the journey is less about becoming and more about not becoming? What if we’re here to unlearn the ways of the world rather than learn them? What if, in order to evolve, we have to toss every rule book out the window? Something to ponder this morning, Libra, as you sip your cinnamon latte. The Scorpio full moon is setting the stage for a huge transition, one that will motivate you to break free from any self-imposed prisons and recognise that freedom is the greatest virtue.
You’re learning to value freedom above everything else, according to the stars.
Today’s Scorpio Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, which may lead to serious discussions about the future between you and your relationships (in love, friendship, or business), but the tone is lighthearted and humorous as the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces. Scorpio, the forthcoming moon eclipse in your sign will help you rediscover yourself!

“The best question you can ask the Universe in the hopes of receiving a response is, “Where is my greatest joy?” Beautiful, an Abraham Hicks phrase to start your day with. The full moon in your sign is opening the door to many opportunities and hope. It’s bringing with it the chance to level up, let go of the past, and reclaim your power in a way you’ve never had before. Scorpio, something tells me you’re going to be a force to be reckoned with!
This is your opportunity to let go of the old and step into your power.
Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, which could make you feel irritated about your schedule—but the sun also creates a good connection with Neptune in Pisces, which can help you relax! The next moon eclipse in Scorpio may bring you closer to your inner voice than ever before.

Today, Sagittarius, money matters take centre stage. Keep an eye on your finances. Has the graph been continually dropping despite your efforts? Are your childhood beliefs the reason you’re terrified of accumulating wealth? Could you be avoiding anything you’re calling in because of your own limitations? Breaking out from inherited tendencies is rarely simple. The good news is that your path to freedom has just just begun.
It’s time to reconsider your relationship with money, according to the stars.
Today’s Capricorn Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius, which could lead to you making critical financial decisions. The sun forms a beneficial connection with Neptune in Pisces, which could lead to a stimulating discourse. The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio has the potential to cause major changes in your social life.

What if we told you, Capricorn, that you aren’t your average self? What if we told you that you are the Universe itself, living in the physical realm? The Scorpio full moon is giving you the opportunity to witness your truth. To remember who you are by looking beyond the veil, the creations of space and time. So, light a candle at your altar and set aside time to reflect. Beautiful, the revelations you have now will awaken you.
This is a time to witness your truth, according to the stars.
Today’s Aquarius Horoscope: May 15, 2022
Because the sun is in Taurus and Saturn is in Aquarius, you may find yourself setting essential boundaries at home. The sun connects with Neptune in Pisces, and you’re feeling very innovative and creative. The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio may motivate you to make a significant job move.

Salutations, Aquarius! This is your big day, the beginning of a new chapter in your life. For some, this may entail crossing a big milestone or getting an honour. Remember, you didn’t get this far by being cautious. You got here by taking numerous chances and breaking free from your own personal prison. So, concentrate on improving the quality of your product/service and surpassing your previous achievements. We have a feeling you’re just getting started.
Bottoms up, baby! is a cosmic tip.
Today’s Pisces Horoscope: May 15, 2022
The sun in Taurus squares up with Saturn in Aquarius, which may cause you to run into roadblocks in your quest for resources—but the sun also connects with your ruling planet Neptune, which is in your sign of Pisces, assisting you in coming up with innovative solutions! A philosophical breakthrough may be possible due to the forthcoming moon eclipse in Scorpio.

You might be wondering what’s real and what’s not today. All the things that have been providing you with a sense of security may make you feel imprisoned. However, you are as free as you choose to be, and your interpretation of what this implies can change over time. As a result, make room for mobility. Give yourself permission to push over your own personal boundaries. Congratulate yourself if it makes you uncomfortable. This indicates that you are on the correct route!