Today’s Horoscope: Astrological Forecast for May 16, 2022
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio occurs at 12:14 PM, signalling a period of major release and transformation, and we’re confident in our ability to navigate these changes when the moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn at 5:28 AM. At 7:50 a.m., the moon enters Sagittarius, inspiring boldness and adventure. People are in an open-minded and easygoing mood when the moon unites with Jupiter in Aries at 9:34 AM, and they may be unusually talkative as the moon opposes Mercury retrograde in Gemini at 1:19 PM. A conversation could be brought up again.
Today’s Aries Horoscope: May 16, 2022
During today’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio, a powerful emotional release is possible. It’s an excellent time to let go. It is possible to repay a debt. As the moon enters neighbouring fire sign Sagittarius, new experiences await!

But there’s no such thing as a perfect time, Aries! Nothing in the planet can prepare you for a chance like this. As you give yourself permission to plunge right in, trust what you’ve manifested. Remember, you don’t want to look back on this period with “what if” thoughts in your head and heart. As a result, this is a day of chance encounters! So, even if it doesn’t make sense to your logical mind, believe where your inner compass is taking you. You never know who you’ll run into out of nowhere insert wink emoji.
Cosmic tip: Have faith in what you’ve created and let yourself to dive right in.
Today’s Taurus Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio today activates the relationship sector of your horoscope, which may lead to crucial realisations about partnership or your partners, as well as new perspectives. The moon enters Sagittarius, and you’re preoccupied with bills or debt repayment.

Taurus, we all have our flaws. Some people find comfort in a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Others turn to drugs and psychedelics. When you feel a void inside, notice what you tend to surrender into. Consider this: do I have power over my senses or do my senses have influence over me? You’re being called to break away from your overeating habits. To infuse the story with the ideals of moderation and balance. Remember, lovely, the only way out is in.
Balance and moderation are cosmic characteristics to adopt.
Today’s Gemini Horoscope: May 16, 2022
During today’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio, you may notice a significant change in your routine. You might be starting a new job or project, or you might be breaking a bad habit. Your focus shifts to relationships when the moon enters your opposite sign, Sagittarius.

Gemini, you are not your anxieties. You, too, have no limitations. In human form, you are endless potential. The cards suggest that you toss caution to the wind today, take a step in the direction of your dreams, and make wild, passionate love to the unknown. The bad news is that you won’t be given a manual. The good news is that no handbook will be supplied to you. Give yourself permission to figure things out as you go.
Make wild, passionate love to the unknown as a cosmic advice.
Today’s Cancer Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The moon eclipse in Scorpio today brings an end to an issue that has been simmering between you and a romantic partner! A creative breakthrough could occur. The moon moves into Sagittarius, pushing you to restructure your life.

Cancer, where do you picture yourself in a few years? Are the steps you’re doing right now bringing you closer to your goal? As you continue to move forward, keep the overall picture in mind. If you’ve been considering expanding internationally, this is the Universe’s green light. Remember that entering the unknown is rarely simple. Accept the stickiness as well as the messiness. The suffering is what will eventually help you break free from the cocoon.
This is your indicator if you’ve been considering expanding internationally.
Today’s Leo Horoscope: May 16, 2022
During today’s moon eclipse in Scorpio, you may have an important discovery about the past, a change in your living environment, or a new perspective on family. The moon enters Sagittarius, a fire sign that inspires romance and creativity!

Today, you’re being encouraged to think about money and how it affects your life. You’ll be trapped in a vicious spiral if you assume that happiness is exactly proportionate to the things you own. A vicious spiral of spending on things that provide you temporary pleasure but aren’t truly necessary. On the other hand, you will be less dependant on your material resources if you build a life that inspires joy from inside. Something tells us you’re on your way to discovering your own reservoir.
Cultivate a life that brings you delight from the inside out.
Today’s Virgo Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The moon eclipse in Scorpio today could bring a conversation to a head. Your viewpoint on anything can shift dramatically. The moon moves into Sagittarius, focusing your attention on your home and family.

Virgo, you’ve been disappointed. You can’t close the gap between effort and reward no matter how hard you try. Is it possible that you have something to do with this disparity? Despite what your higher self tells you, you’re unable to ask for what you require? Break free from the constraints. Liberate yourself from outdated beliefs. Learning to express yourself can assist you in making a change and attracting the abundance you deserve.
It’s time to establish yourself and ask for what you require here, according to the stars.
Today’s Libra Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The moon eclipse in Scorpio may have you considering a new approach to wealth management. You may be asking for a raise, raising your rates, or being honest with yourself about what you need—or don’t—to be happy. The moon moves into Sagittarius, which could increase communication.

You’re only now catching your breath after a crazy voyage through the multiverse and returning during eclipse season. Consider this a pause. Intermission. It’s time to decompress. A time for letting go of the old and envisioning a new world. Getting off the productivity bandwagon, decluttering your schedule, and scheduling self-care rituals are all fantastic ideas. Consider getting a massage, going to a sound bath, or simply sitting in your living room and meditating. PS: You’re precisely where you’re supposed to be, and there’s no need to rush.
Libra, take a deep breath and pause.
Today’s Scorpio Horoscope: May 16, 2022
Today, Scorpio, there’s a lunar eclipse in your sign, which might put you in the middle of a transformation! You could be letting go of a part of yourself that you’ve outgrown, or you could be learning something new about yourself. As the moon moves into Sagittarius, your attention may be drawn to your finances.

Money or love? Love or money? Scorpio, who says you have to choose between the two? Who says you can’t find a happy medium? The full moon’s energy encourages you to make a long-term commitment filled with joy and creativity. This will assist you in producing your best work yet and sharing your various talents with those around you.
This is your chance to build a financially rewarding life doing precisely what you enjoy.
Today’s Sagittarius Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The moon eclipse in Scorpio today encourages you to take it easy and relax. Big emotions, especially ones you haven’t had time to sit with (or have been avoiding), may surface. This is an excellent time to listen to your inner voice. The moon moves into your sign, prompting you to take care of yourself.

You’re being invited to consider the definition of abundance today. What are the things in your life that enrich it against the things you’ve been told make you wealthy? We don’t take money and its importance in our lives lightly. We’re merely reminding you of the importance of the small things in life: the soul connections that uplift you, the places that bring you serenity, and the experiences that remind you of your innate wildness. So, no matter where you are in life, put your pleasure above all else.
Consider the things that actually make you feel abundant as a cosmic suggestion.
Today’s Capricorn Horoscope: May 16, 2022
With today’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio, you may meet new people, leave a social circle, or accomplish something remarkable with a group or community. Make time for rest as the moon enters Sagittarius, no matter how hectic your social calendar may be!
Capricorn, you’re one with the cosmic currents. Right now, you’re channelling all the right thoughts. Ideas that have the potential to bring forward progress and sow the seeds of transformation in the collective. But are you giving yourself permission to be the change and start the process? It’s time to draw into your inner reserve of courage, as Spirit is reminding you.
Take action, according to the stars.
Today’s Aquarius Horoscope: May 16, 2022
You may make a great accomplishment during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, and this might be a pivotal moment in your profession as you commit to a role or attempt something new. The moon moves into the sign of Sagittarius, urging you to make new friends.

Uh-oh! On the cards is a case of analysis-paralysis. Overthinking your problems, on the other hand, is rarely the answer. Put on your headphones and listen to your favourite music. Concentrate on being present in the moment. Allow yourself to think about anything other than the problem at hand. Have faith that the solutions you seek will appear unexpectedly. The essential thing to remember as you progress is that you are not obligated to impress others at the expense of your own mental health.
Instead, take a walk and allow the solutions to come to you.
Today’s Pisces Horoscope: May 16, 2022
The moon eclipse in Scorpio today may result in a huge breakthrough for you. An significant discussion can reach a conclusion. You could be visiting a specific place or learning about something important to you. As the moon moves into Sagittarius, your attention will be drawn to your work.

Pisces, you are the story you tell yourself. For example, if you keep telling yourself stories of loss and failure, that is exactly what you will attract in your life. Your rewards will expand before your eyes if you affirm all that is blessed and beautiful, choosing to see the good in every scenario. So, gorgeous, rework the script. Maintain a joyful energy. Begin to take on the qualities of the abundance you’re calling in. Believe that your external world will soon begin to match your interior shifts.
Begin to embrace the abundance you’re calling in as a cosmic tip.