NASA plans to send naked pictures of humans into space in the hopes of attracting extraterrestrials.
NASA plans to send naked pictures of humans into space in the hopes of attracting extraterrestrials.
NASA scientists intend to launch naked human images into space in the hopes of enticing aliens to our planet.
If an intelligent alien race discovers the space nudes, the portrayals will include an invitation to react. Fortunately, the uninvited nudes shouldn’t surprise the imagined aliens too much. The images are not explicit photographs of naked people, but rather a drawing of a naked man and woman next to a DNA representation. In an attempt to appear more hospitable, the man and woman are waving.
The image was revealed by NASA scientists as part of a research dubbed “Beacon in the Galaxy” (BITG).
The BITG project’s principal goal is to convey a message to any alien civilizations that may exist.

The pixelated artwork of a naked man and woman waving hello could help humanity make contact with extraterrestrials, according to scientists. The scientists have attempted to display gravity in addition to nude individuals and a DNA representation. All of this adds up to a new binary-coded message that can be transmitted into space. A binary-coded message, according to scientists, is the most likely to be understood by aliens.
The scientists explain in their study: “Though the concept of mathematics in human terms is potentially unrecognizable to extra-terrestrial intelligence, binary is likely universal across all intelligence.

“Binary mathematics is the most basic kind of mathematics since it simply has two states: zero and one, yes or no, black or white, mass or empty space.”
They added: “The proposed message includes basic mathematical and physical concepts to establish a universal means of communication followed by information on the biochemical composition of life on Earth, the Solar System’s time-stamped position in the Milky Way relative to known globular clusters, as well as digitized depictions of the Solar System, and Earth’s surface.”