List of Celebrities who want to Quit Twitter after Elon Musk’s buyout of twitter

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter has alarmed several celebrities to the point where they’ve pledged to leave the platform entirely.

The $44 billion buyout deal was unanimously accepted by Twitter’s board of directors on Monday. While Musk has stated that he wants to unlock Twitter’s “tremendous potential,” others have expressed concerns about the social media platform’s future.

Musk wrote on Monday, seemingly anticipating a huge exodus: “I hope that even my harshest critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free expression entails.”

The news of Musk’s takeover is still breaking, and there’s still a long way to go before he takes over Twitter, which isn’t likely to happen for another six months. That means celebrities will have plenty of time to appreciate and use a non-Musk-run Twitter, while others may choose to leave.

George Takei and Rob Reiner, for example, have expressed their distaste of Musk but have pledged to remain on the platform. “Tough fighters are needed in the fight against fascism, misinformation, and hatred. Takei addressed his 3.3 million Twitter followers, “I hope you stay in the struggle, right by me.”

The following is a list of all the celebrities who have left, or have stated their intention to depart, the social networking platform:

Mia Farrow wants to quit Twitter

Farrow also announced her plan to resign before receiving backlash from Twitter users in the comments section.

“Well, if Twitter becomes even more toxic—with Trumpy-treasonous lies & all the hatred—it will be taken less seriously, and folks like me will quit—for peace of mind,” the actress turned activist wrote in a now-deleted post.

Since then, Farrow appears to have changed her mind, and she even responded directly to Musk when the topic of free speech came up. Farrow congratulated him on Tesla and Space X before wishing him luck in keeping Twitter “worthy of your previous achievements and of lawful people everywhere.”

Shaun King is a professional football player who deactivates his Twitter

On Monday, activist Shaun King deactivated his Twitter account, shortly after posting that Musk’s purchase of the social media site is “about white power.” On Tuesday, he reactivated it and updated his bio to read, “I’m still here m** f***.”

King is an American civil rights activist and writer who rose to attention at the beginnings of the Black Lives Matter movement. He has since been accused of mishandling or mismanaging charitable funds, which he has denied.

He claimed Musk’s upbringing in South Africa as evidence of his bigotry just hours before deactivating his Twitter account. “At its core, Elon Musk’s desire to buy Twitter isn’t about right vs. left. Before the takeover was verified, King tweeted, “It’s about white power.”

“A white nationalist reared the man in Apartheid.” He’s angry because white supremacists aren’t allowed to target/harass people on Twitter. That’s how he defines free speech.”

Jameela Jamil is a model and actress who confirmed that she would be quitting Twitter

After Musk’s purchase was disclosed, British actress Jameela Jamil confirmed she would be quitting the site. “One nice thing about Elon owning Twitter is that I will FINALLY quit and stop being a terrible nuisance to society on here,” she posted on Monday, April 26. So it’s a win-win situation for you all.”

Three hours later, the actress from The Good Place published her farewell tweet in response to the confirmation of the acquisition.

Mick Foley is a well-known sportscaster, who is planning to quit Twitter

Wrestling icon Mick Foley has stated that he is pondering retiring from the ring, but has yet to take the plunge. “I’ll be giving some serious thought to leaving [Twitter] for good in the near future,” Musk wrote shortly after his takeover was confirmed.

“I don’t think this platform is going in the right direction,” he remarked.

Since announcing his decision to quit on Monday, April 25, he has continued to tweet.

Amy Siskind is a writer who lives in New York, who is also considering leaving Twitter

Amy Siskind, a self-described champion of democracy, activist, and author, has warned her 550,000 Twitter followers that she is considering leaving the platform. Siskind opened up about her alternatives in a series of tweets, admitting that “any stuff I offer here goes straight towards benefitting one man, who I think is completely disgusting.”

“People need to understand that this is no longer a public firm,” she wrote in a tweet on Monday, April 25. Every comment you submit here is free content that will benefit only one person, Elon Musk. He is entirely in charge and has no one to answer to. “I don’t think he’s a mentally stable individual.”

She ended her remarks by telling everyone that she will continue to share stuff on her Facebook page instead. “You’ll be able to find me there in either case until something better comes along,” Siskind added.

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