
10 ways Cats can Improve your way of Living


"life is better with a cat"



Cats build strong ties with their owners and offer companionship, especially to women.  In fact, according to the results of an Austrian study, having a cat is the emotional equal of being in a romantic relationship.

Someone to speak with


Not only can talking to your cat strengthen your bond, but it's also good for your mental health because it can help you enhance your mood, reduce stress, and combat loneliness.

Sleeping better


Cats are natural sleepers, so it's no surprise that cats can help you sleep better, too. People who slept with their pets in the same room were nearly twice as likely to enjoy a decent night's sleep, according to a Mayo Clinic study, 

No mice in the house.


Cats may not be able to assist with housekeeping, but they can help keep mice out of your home. The cartoon cat-and-mouse pursuit turns out to have some truth to it. Mice feel terrified when they smell particular proteins in cat saliva and avoid the area.

Sense of accountability


It is critical for youngsters to learn to care for and look after a live object in the same way that their parents do. Children can benefit from cats by learning to approach them with caution and gentleness. Taking care of a cat also instils a sense of accountability.

Improved cardiovascular health


Cats can help maintain your heart healthy in addition to filling your heart with love. Several studies have indicated that having a cat can help lower blood pressure and heart rate, as well as triglyceride and cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Children's allergy risk is reduced.


Despite the fact that humans do not choose to have allergies, having a cat may be the answer to keeping your child allergy-free. According to the American Humane Association, having a cat in the home prior to a kid's birth reduced the risk of the child developing allergies later in life.

Comfort for autistic children


A cat can be a fantastic companion for children on the autistic spectrum, helping them improve their social skills. Autistic children who have pets after the age of five have been demonstrated to open out more to others and have better family dynamics.

Reduced anxiety and stress


Petting a cat and listening to its soothing purr are two of the most relaxing things you can do. Cats have been demonstrated in multiple studies to induce soothing hormones in the human body, reducing tension and anxiety in cat owners.

Love life has improved


Despite the stereotypes surrounding single female cat owners, keeping a cat may actually improve your romantic life. Not only does having a cat help your social life by introducing you to new people, but study has shown that women perceive men who keep cats to be more caring.


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10 ways Cats can Improve your way of Living