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This realistic, perfectionist sign is actually more affectionate than you might believe. "They don't think they're being kind when they hug you and touch your back," says celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman.
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All of this implies they're a dependable friend to call in a pinch, whether or not they realise they're being affectionate.
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Expect lots of sofa cuddling and kitchen kisses if you're dating a Scorpio, but they're inclined to avoid PDA in larger gatherings.
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They can be incredibly devoted and loyal to the individuals they care about the most, and this includes exhibiting affection. "Affection is personal to a Scorpio, and they keep it close to their chest."
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Taurus' mentality is grounded in the Earth element, therefore they express love in practical ways." So, if you need last-minute advise or assistance with a project, you can count on a Taurus to be there for you.
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Taurus loves physical contact, but only within reason. "They don't like to be suffocated," explains relationship astrologer Anna Kovach, "so their approach to affection needs to be modest and is governed by their mood at the moment."
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Leos are overtly affectionate toward those in their inner circle and are willing to go to great lengths to make them happy.
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"In romance, Leos enjoy surprising their partners with extravagant gestures and expressing adoration through physical contact," explains Kovach.
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Cancers are emotional intelligent and know just what to say and do to make people feel loved and cared for. They are a water sign ruled by the moon.
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"When they first meet new people, they may be slow to open up, but their caring and protective instincts come in sooner rather than later," adds Kovach.
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"They will give, love, help, empathise, and forgive more than they should." As a result, they're one of the best places to go when you need someone to cry on.
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"They enjoy holding hands, cuddling in bed, and even cuddling for hours while listening to music or watching TV."
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