
Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Emilio Vitolo Jr., and Other Celebrities Katie Holmes Has Dated


Katie Holmes may tend to keep the details of her love life private, but the general public has long been intrigued nonetheles


After meeting on the set of Dawson's Creek in the late 1990s, the two dated for a while before calling it quits in 1999.

Katie Holmes Dated Joshua Jackson


Holmes began seeing the American Pie actor shortly after splitting up with Jackson. They married in 2003 and divorced in 2005.

Katie Holmes Dated Chris Klein


From 2006 through 2012, Tom Cruise  and Katie Holmes were married. She is the primary caregiver for their daughter.

Katie Holmes Dated Tom Cruise


Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx started dating in 2013, They maintained a low-key relationship for six years until breaking up in August 2019

Katie Holmes Dated Jamie Foxx


Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx started dating in 2013, They maintained a low-key relationship for six years until breaking up in August 2019

Katie Holmes Dated Emilio Vitolo Jr.


During a New York City outing in April 2022, Holmes was seen kissing and holding hands with the musician.

Katie Holmes Dated Bobby Wooten III 


Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Emilio Vitolo Jr. Bobby Wooten III... THE DATING LIFE OF STAR ACTOR Katie Holmes has gotten a lot of attention.


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